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Building Careers

About US.

Human Resources

*Branding Resumes has Human Resources and Business Professionals. We gear towards empowering individuals to get on track with the right career path. We have 25+ years of experience in writing, researching, recruiting, coaching, and proofreading. Our goal is to provide one-to-one sessions.

*The writer Latoya produces resumes from the employer’s point of view and interestingly presents what you have to offer to the company. Therefore, she will bring your old résumé to life or create one from scratch through an intense consultation, which all clients must go through. We are confident in our service, which includes résumé development, career advising, and job search assistance. Our model is to engage our clients with prosperity, affordability, and quality service.

*Thus, she doesn’t just create a resume and send you off. Today’s Professionals must be prepared with job search strategies. Therefore, she offers interview preparation and ebook resources to assist clients. Additionally, Latoya wants to know about your growth, so she follows up with clients to recommend tips adhering to our business commitment.

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Branding Resumes
Branding Resumes prepares clients for the Now and Future for Employment and Career Training for those seeking to obtain a Professional Career. We are here to help you in your decision-making and to provide an action plan to jumpstart your career. The entire process of exploring opportunities to the moment of discovery enriches the client.
What we do?
  • Vision: To support and coach clients regarding their future and take responsibility for furthering their careers, ultimately leading to a quality lifestyle by achieving their goals.
  • Mission: Ensuring everyone has an opportunity to maximize their profession and re-shape their careers with the necessary resources through Professional Consulting, Résumé Writing, LinkedIn Development, and Action Plans.

Latoya F. Raymond

Certified Resume Writer

Crystal Matthews

Education Developer

Consultant of Career Education Development. A Bachelor of Science in Marketing. Proficiency in Career and Education Development.

Education Developer

Micki Taylor

Academic Specialist

Certificate in Business Management & Human Resources and a Certified Global Human Resources Professional (GPHR).

Academic Specialist

What we Offer?
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  • Resume Branding is a process where you prioritize a career document with education, experience, skills, and accomplishments to highlight clients’ strongest content to score high and win the interview.
  • LinkedIn Profile: is one of your most important career marketing tools. Success dramatically increases because I will communicate your work style, personality, talent, best work, results, and story to allow others to discover your differences and showcase your knowledge to attain a job. 
  • Career Documents and Job Search Assistance: Thank you letters, cover letters, reference sheets, autobiography, and more are needed to start or continue your job search. These documents provide the essential tools to stay ahead in the market for their job search.
How long for document completion?

4-10 days depending on service received.

How does Refunds Work?

Refer to T&C and Agreements.

How do I pay?

Website, Invoice, Debit/Credit Cards.

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